Creating Change: What the War on Terror Has Taught Me
Bin Laden set out to bankrupt the American people through fear. As the Western
world now rushes to crack down on the money that equips jihadists in their ruthless
mission, Dr Edwina Thompson challenges decision-makers to be strategic in the fight,
and shares with the rest of us how to see things clearly when fearful of the unknown.
Date: 10 January 2015
Venue: Clapham Omnibus, London SW4 0QW
Type of event: TEDx Talk
Organiser: TEDx Clapham
For more information: Video link

Global Jihad: Counting the Cost
An investigation by the BBC World Service in collaboration with the International
Centre for the Study of Radicalisation. Interview with Dr Edwina Thompson on sources
of Jihadist finance.

CPD Expert Witness and Laundering Evidence
Thinking and Acting differently about Hawala
Date: Various in 2013-14
Location: UK
Type of event: Training
Organiser: National Crime Agency

How should the British Army better work with civilian organisations during military
Opening Panel: Civilian perspective
Date: 24 April 2014
Location: 10 St James’s Square, London SW1Y 4LE
Type of event: Conference
Organiser: British Army

Somalia Working Group Expert briefing
High-Risk Corridors – Case study: Somalia and UK Banking
Date: 29 October 2013
Venue: 2301 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20037
Type of event: Expert briefing
Organiser: United States Institute of Peace

Mobile Solutions
High-Risk Corridors – Case study: Somalia and UK Banking
Date: 25 October 2013
Venue: 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004
Type of event: Internal briefing
Organiser: USAID

Somali Remittances – The Future? Keeping the Lifeline Open
Gargaar Ehelkaaga: Community perceptions and insights in the search for a solution
to the UK-Somali banking situation
Date: 21 October 2013
Location: London
Type of event: Panel discussion
Organiser: Somali Week Festival (Adeso, Oxfam, Royal African Society)

Remittances – Somalia and Beyond
Safer Corridors: Balancing the needs of development and law enforcement in fragile
states and situations
Date: 15 October 2013
Location: Oxford, UK
Type of event: Horn of Africa seminar
Organiser: Oxford University

Expert Group Meeting
Lessons Learned: Turning around the missed opportunities for authentic engagement
with Somali Money Transfer Operators (MTOs)
Date: 20-22 March 2013
Location: Vienna, Austria
Type of event: Expert Group meeting
Meeting output: Link to report
Organiser: United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime

Gender in Defence and Security Leadership
A Civilian’s Perspective Working in Hostile Environments
Date: 12 March 2013
Location: Canberra, Australia
Type of event: International conference
Organiser: Australian Department of Defence
For more information:
Event link

Aid Effectiveness in Afghanistan
Losing the Ability to Dream: Afghan Perceptions of UK aid
Date: 20 March 2012
Location: Committee Room 6, Houses of Parliament
Type of event: Parliamentary briefing
Organiser: All Parliamentary Group on Afghanistan

Keynote Address: Informal Value Transfer Systems (IVTS)
Hawala in Afghanistan
Date: 9 March 2012
Venue: Barceló Hotel Daventry Northampton, UK
Type of event: Conference
Organiser: The Association of Chief Police Officers

Briefing: Lessons from the Afghan money men
Ignore the Informal at your Peril!
Date: 29 November 2011
Venue: 1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Type of event: Internal briefing
Organiser: Stabilisation Unit, HM Government

Afghanistan 10 years on: What lessons can be learned?
Astri Suhrke, Lucy Morgan Edwards and Edwina Thompson
Date: 20 October 2011
Venue: Room G50 College Buildings, Thornhaugh Street,
Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG
Type of Event: CCCAC Seminar Programme panel discussion
Organiser: Centre of Contemporary Central Asia & the Caucasus,
SOAS, University of London
For more information:
Event Link on SOAS

Lessons from the money men in Afghanistan
by Dr Edwina Thompson
Date: 5 October 2011
Timings: 19:00pm Reception; 19:30 Address
Venue: 11 Charles Street, Mayfair, London W1J 5DW
Type of event: Book launch
Organiser: Legatum Institute

Country Civil-Military Guidelines
Results from Investigation into Effectiveness
Date: 13 April 2011
Location: Canberra, Australia
Type of event: Briefing
Organiser: Australian Government Civil-Military Centre
For more information:
Research link

mMoney Summit
Hawala and mMoney: Opportunities for Engagement
Date: 29 March 2011
Venue: Intercontinental Hotel Kabul, Afghanistan
Type of event: International conference
Organiser: United States Agency for International Development

Humanitarian Principles in Practice
Making the Tough Calls: Decision-making in complex humanitarian environments
Date: 2-3 July 2009
Location: London
Organiser: Overseas Development Initiative
Type of event: Conference
For more information:
Research link

Keynote Address: UNSW-Australian Defence Force Academy Graduation Ceremony
Date: December 2008
Location: Canberra, Australia
Type of event: Graduation ceremony
Organiser: UNSW-Australian Defence Force Academy

INGO Perspective: Changes in Aid, Stabilisation and Reconstruction Policy
Date: September 2008
Location: Canberra, Australia
Type of event: 5th National Security Annual Summit
Organiser: Australian Homeland Security Research Centre
For more information:
Event link